Saturday, May 15, 2010

Perking Along on Park

We closed on our house and moved to Park Ave. last weekend! Things have been busy to say the least, and its been a challenging move--for me mostly--being 9 months pregnant. We had lots of help from friends and family and we're so grateful for the hours you've spent moving heavy furniture, bringing food, watching Jude, and just being generally awesome people to have in our lives! All the major stuff is in, and the smaller cosmetic stuff I'd like to do will be okay if we table them for a few months. It's kind of fun going through boxes...we packed our house stuff over a year ago and one of us will exclaim "Ooooh, I forgot we had this!" when we pull out something seemingly mundane, but suddenly new to us again:) I'll tell you what we did NOT forget we had...our bed! We bought a new, amazingly comfy mattress not long before we left and sink into it each night like we'll never get up again. So like I said, the house still needs some finishing touches but overall we're thrilled with it. It's old and quirky and charming and already feels like home, and we can't wait to have friends over for some backyard BBQing!

Jude is adjusting well. He had trouble sleeping the first 3 or 4 nights here, but seems to have gotten used to his new room/bed now. The poor kid's been sleeping in a Pack-n-Play for a year, and I forgot he does a little dance routine in bed before he falls asleep sometimes to get extra energy out. He stands up in bed and falls straight back onto his pillow like a stiff board, and the wooden crib slats aren't as forgiving as the mesh walls of his Pack-n-Play. I've heard loud bumps in the monitor and then a series of tearful "Mama's!" until I come upstairs and find him rubbing the back of his head. But he's catching on:)

He also had his first haircut this week. I love Jude's crazy little rooster hair when he wakes up and only occasionally gave Ted permission to cut really ridiculous pieces here and there with scissors. But Dad laid down the law and took him to Sports Clips, where he got a "Varsity haircut" and Jude got, you guessed it, the "Junior Varsity haircut." It would have been a very manly affair had Mom not been cooing and snapping pictures:) He sat very still and graciously thanked his "stylist" afterwards.

I'm 3 weeks away from my due date today. I've been feeling extra exhausted this week and I'm guessing its from moving and unpacking, but I'm also feeling some of the "end of pregnancy" pangs and pressure. At my appointment last week the dr. said the baby dropped and I'm 1 cm. dilated and 50% effaced, and I know enough to know that means basically nothing. I still get the feeling this baby will come a little earlier than June 5, but WHEN is anyone's guess!

My piece for DRAFT magazine is out now, so if you're interested in reading it you can view it by clicking here


Carissa said...

Your home is sooo cute!! What a blessing to have this all worked out before your little one arrives. God is good!! And your article is great too!! :)

Shannon said...

Caroline! The new house is SO cute, I hope you're feeling well...can't wait to hear news of a new baby!!!

Lauren said...

I am super excited you are getting settled and that the little one will be here soon:) I can't wait to meet him/her soon!!! Good talking to you today. Love you:)