Friday, December 4, 2009

Eighteen Months of Jude!

Jude is 18 months old TODAY! These past 6 months have been chock full of new developments and skills, but he's still my same ole' sweet and lovable boy. Jude Hammy, I'm celebrating YOU today and all that you are and will be. Forgive me when my patience runs short or when I don't know the best ways to nurture you...I am trying and will keep trying for you forever. You are my son, my friend, my prize, and your dad and I smile when we even talk about you, long after you're in bed. We dropped you in a foreign country and you've flourished and grown and learned right alongside us, and I treasure this shared experience with YOU, Sweet One. You can create a fun day out of thin air, make me smile just by being, show me different ways to live and love and teach me lessons even while you sleep. You made a mother out of me and I'm thankful for that title, and enormously proud to call you mine. Your gentle spirit is a powerful presence in our household, and you set our family on a new course by coming into it. We're working on making a sibling for you, which I know you don't understand yet but I can't wait to introduce to you! I'm sure you'll hate them at first, but give it time and they'll be your best friend, a person who shares your stories and secrets and understands the things about your heart nobody else can; a person you'll tattle on, conspire with, and cling to as life unfolds. You're my reason for so much; my motivation to make anything better. You've been in my heart forever...what a pleasure to finally know you, and experience this love so different from any other. Always know that I'm on your side, we're in this together (no matter what you think as a teenager!), and I'll love you long after I'm gone. What a difference 18 months can make in your tiny body and in your mama's heart. We LOVE you, baby, and always will!


The Hinton's said...

Happy 18 month birthday Jude! I can't waaaaaait until you come home to Indiana! Wooohooo!

Beth said...

That was beautiful, Caroline. I love you guys and can't wait to see you.

Lauren said...

What a wonderful post:) I loved every one of those pictures....Jude has the sweetest little smile and personality and it just shines through:) Enjoy these moments with him, they go by so fast. Love you!

Blair said...

I love this post and can't wait to see your beautiful family when you come home! Love you!!