Saturday, August 14, 2010

Family Rundown

I haven't posted in a few weeks, so here is the quick rundown to catch everyone up:

Jude: Talking lots more, albeit in his own dialect. Still sweet on anything with wheels/levers/motors. Sleeps an incredible amount (but this isnt new)...13 hours/night and still 2 hours/day, and still frequently announces he's tired and wants to go home. Potty training=sporadic. Favorite movie is Elmo's Potty Time. Favorite meal is bean and cheese (and cauliflower puree, shhhh!) burritos. Loves spinning in circles wearing Mom's glasses. Still believes 1,2,3,8,9 and 10 are the only existing numbers. Cleans the house furiously. Starts preschool (Tuesdays) and Mothers Day Out (Wednesdays) in a few weeks. Loves Bandaids. Consumes more milk than a baby cow.

Ada: Almost 3 months old! Goes to bed at 8 (yay! both kids go down at once!) and wakes once a night, normally around 3 or 4. Has an adorable, shy smile that she reserves for quiet and special occasions throughout the day. Retaining most of her hair, against all odds. Refuses any and all bottles (we force her to choke down an ounce almost every day in hopes she'll get the hang of it). Has the biggest peepers anyone's ever seen, making her appear in a permanent state of surprise. So far--and I know its early--her personality seems similar to Jude's.

Ted: Really loving his job at Habitat. Considering running a marathon in November. Very impressive skills on the grill this summer--everything comes out perfect this year!

Me: Actually feel rested most of the time! Despite getting up once a night, I still manage to get 8-9 hours. Enjoying the babies and being home with them. Excited to be working on some assignments for Indy Monthly. Cooking lots of delicious things with all the great summer food that's out! Really missing my family and trying to figure out some trips to get my "fix."

My sister Renee came up to visit a few weeks ago and we had some great sister/cousin time. Then my BFF Blair and her boyfriend Jeff came up for a weekend and we had fun showing them our new 'hood, eating, chatting, and going out for drinks after the kids were asleep! We've also been taking some family bike rides. Our double bike trailer thing for the kids explicitly states that children should be 12 months old before riding in it, but.....Ada hopped in at 2 months:) The straps are up over her little face and we have to rig it with pillows and blankets and glance over our shoulders every few seconds, but she falls asleep and seems to like it! We also took a trip to the State Fair last week...but only made it about an hour b/c it was so hot. At least it was $2 Tuesday.

I'm so ready for Fall. This feels like the everlasting summer. It was warm the entire time we were in South America, plus several months before we left and basically ever since we came back this past Spring. I've been wearing the same pair of flippies (flip-flops) almost every single day for about 16 months. I'm serious. I suppose its better than the everlasting winter, but I'm just sayin...I'm ready to put my boots back on!


The Hinton's said...

Thanks for the update! Jude might be the sweetest/cutest kiddo ever. Love Miss Ada too but every time I see her she's just asleep on the porch :) Tell Jude thanks for the dance party last week.

Lauren said...

Thanks for the rundown on the fam. Looks like yall are doing good. I can't wait to try out our bike trailer for the kids!! Thanks for recommending it. I guess we have to buy bikes first though:) Love you.