Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mini Marathon and Mother's Day

We ran the Indy Mini Marathon on Saturday and we not only survived it, we had FUN! My goal was to run the whole time and finish somewhere between 2:30 and 2:45 (I am no Speedy Gonzalez). I managed to run continuously (even in place while Ted stopped in a bathroom!) and we finished in 2:31, so I was super proud! I was a little worried that we only trained up to 9 miles, and worried that I wouldn't be able to get through the last 4 miles. But with the help of some Sport Beans and an awesome running buddy, it wasn't too bad. I thought I would slow Ted down, but he assured me he just wanted to keep my pace and do it together. We just had the best time...we were in great moods and were able to laugh and goof off together the whole time:) The last mile was definitely hard, but seeing the finish line got us excited and we managed to sprint in! This half is the biggest in the country with 35,000 participants, which had its pluses and minuses. Plus: the entertainment and people cheering along the way. I was telling Ted, it would sure be nice to have that kind of encouragement in everyday life...some day when the kids are screaming and smashing macaroni in their hair at dinnertime, a random person sticks their head in the kitchen ringing a huge cow bell and yelling "You can DO IT! You're doing AWESOME!" That'd be nice. I'd take that:) But the downside was running with so many people. I felt like I was constantly weaving and slowing down and speeding up the first 3 miles especially and to an extent, the whole time. But overall, I had a great experience. Will I do it again? I don't know. But at least now I know I can. And that's a really good feeling. But 13.1 miles? That's what cars are for;)

Today is Mother's Day, and its been lovely. Ted woke up with our early bird, Ada, and let me sleep in. He made delicious pancakes, and we stopped by my fave coffee shop on the way to church and had lunch with the family afterwards. I had a pedicure and read a People magazine while the kids napped (can't beat that) and went on a family bike ride afterwards. Ada drank her first cup of milk today, and Jude learned what "joking" means.
These two kids light up my whole world. I can't believe these precious little people call me "Mom."


Chip Neidigh said...

More Cowbell! That would be awesome. Caroline, you and Amanda look awesome after your 13.1.

Blair said...

So proud of you for running the half marathon! Love the picture of you both, you look so happy!

Blair said...

So proud of you for running the half marathon! Love the picture of you both, you look so happy!

Lauren said...

I am so proud of you!!! What a great accomplishment:) I have loved hearing about your journey. Hopefully we can run together one day soon! I love you!